
Cracking the Carbon Code

‘Cracking the Carbon Code’ for girls was organized on 16th Feb, 2022 with aim to create a space for girls to nurture their passion for computer science and its related fields. So around the International Day for women in science, the day that recognizes the critical role women play in these fields, we did the same. We had brainstormed ways to reduce the carbon footprint through the use of python and created a carbon footprint calculator. The workshop was full of fun learning quiz and short essay building activities.


12th-13th April, 2022

There were 37 girls participating in the event, they were provided with a basic introduction of python and its uses. After the 2 hour long session they were able to run basic codes in python by themselves and analyze where and how it is used.

On day 2 they were taught and shown the code of hand gesture recognition. This was followed by an activity where girls were divided into groups to brainstorm and present a technology model that solves a real world problem.

At N-hack, we want to ignite andelevate interest in STEM education and coding amongst young women and girls. Our objective is to provide young girls, eager to join the software industry with opportunities to develop real-world tech skills.

For years, tech has excluded many of us. Today, things are changing. Tech is evolving. N-Hack is here to steer this movement in the right direction.

Founded in 2021, N-Hack is dedicated to eliminating the gender gap in tech and wants to become a platform to bring about worldwide change.

We want more women to get introduced to the world of technology, build upon their innovative ideas and attain the skills and confidence to be technical. We want them to build their future in tech in their own right


Level the tech playing field and inspire more young women to take up STEM education.


To bridge the gender gap in STEM and promote inclusion in the technology sector.